Elixir development

Elixir development

Leverage Elixir’s lightweight framework to build fast and unbreakable systems

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Shaping the future of tech with Elixir solutions

Reckonsys offers a full range of Elixir development services to build, optimize, and maintain lightning-fast, dynamic applications that set new industry standards and comfortably thrive under pressure.

Elixir consulting

If you’re eager to get started with Elixir, we can help by offering in-depth analysis and actionable recommendations related to Elixir and your business goals. We focus on aligning your aspirations with the technical advantages of Elixir, so you achieve the best results.

Custom Elixir app development

No matter what your application requirements may be, we can utilize Elixir to build exactly what you envision. Our team specializes in developing complex systems, including financial applications, analytics platforms, and more, all designed to handle heavy loads.

Phoenix-based web development

We build scalable and maintainable solutions, using Phoenix's LiveView and Channels to deliver impeccable and engaging user experiences. Incorporating features like real-time data processing and live updates, our web solutions are perfectly suited for modern digital needs.

Elixir application maintenance

We stay abreast of the latest vulnerabilities and Elixir best practices, keeping your application resilient against emerging threats. Moreover, we're well-versed in Elixir's hot code reloading feature, thus deploying updates and patches with zero downtime.

Elixir API development

Our team designs APIs using Elixir's concurrency model, enabling them to handle a high volume of requests without compromising speed or reliability. Built with scalability in mind, these APIs can easily integrate with different systems and services according to your needs.

Elixir migration services

With our proven expertise, you can seamlessly receive Elixir's numerous advantages while preserving your investments. We help businesses transition smoothly from legacy technologies to Elixir, handling everything from data migration and code refactoring to system integration.

Benefits of Elixir development

How can the Elixir touch elevate your projects?

We’re proud to innovate next-gen applications with Elixir, empowering businesses to embrace sophisticated features like real-time services and fault tolerance. Thanks to our comprehensive and up-to-date proficiency, we can easily handle projects of any complexity.


Smooth, real-time experiences

Elixir’s ability to handle instant data processing makes it ideal for applications requiring live updates and interactions. Your applications can handle dynamic data streams, such as chat systems, real-time analytics, and collaborative tools.


Exceptional fault tolerance

One of Elixir’s standout features is its fault-tolerant architecture, which facilitates system stability and reliability. Your application remains operational even in the face of issues. As a result, your business can avoid costly interruptions and provide a consistent user experience.


Fast response times

Elixir’s lightweight processes and efficient concurrency model significantly reduce latency, providing fast response times. This is especially crucial for businesses in sectors like finance and e-commerce, where quick data processing and instant feedback are essential.


Flexible deployment

The applications can be deployed in various environments, from cloud platforms to on-premises servers. This flexibility allows you to choose the most cost-effective deployment strategy, aligning with your infrastructure needs and budget constraints.

Top reasons to choose Reckonsys

Expertise-driven Elixir development for your custom business needs

We’re proud to innovate next-gen applications with Elixir, empowering businesses to embrace sophisticated features like real-time services and fault tolerance. Thanks to our comprehensive and up-to-date proficiency, we can easily handle projects of any complexity.

Exilir - 3

Achieve custom-tailored business excellence with our comprehensive Elixir know-how.

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Explore our development framework for optimal outcomes with Elixir

At Reckonsys, our process is finely tuned to harness the unique strengths of Elixir, which remain at the heart of our methodology. Learn about the approach we adhere to in detail.

Requirement analysis

Step 1

Analysis and functional design

In this crucial first step, we dive deep into understanding the project requirements through the lens of Elixir's strengths. The output is a functional design that outlines the system's architecture, emphasizing how Elixir's unique features will be employed to create the desired solution.

Detailed planning and roadmap-CC

Step 2

Architectural planning

Leveraging Elixir's strengths, we design a system architecture tailored to your needs. This includes defining the concurrency model, selecting appropriate libraries, and planning data flow and storage solutions. Our focus is on building a flexible and fault-tolerant architecture.


Step 3

Prototype and PoC

We develop a prototype to validate key concepts and test critical functionalities. This step allows us to demonstrate the feasibility of using Elixir’s unique features, such as lightweight processes for concurrent tasks and Phoenix Channels for real-time communication.

Full-scale development

Step 4

Iterative development and integration

Our development approach is iterative, focusing on building core functionalities first and then expanding. Each iteration focuses on implementing and refining specific features, enabling streamlined integration with the existing system architecture.

Clear testing objectives-QA

Step 5

Testing and QA

We follow a thorough testing strategy to identify and resolve any errors or vulnerabilities in the application. Special attention is given to fault tolerance and real-time features, ensuring the system can gracefully handle errors and maintain high performance under load.


Step 6

Performance tuning

Elixir's design principles are centered around efficiency and scalability, which we exploit during the performance tuning phase. We meticulously optimize the application's processes and data handling routines to ensure minimal resource consumption and maximal throughput.

Deployment and maintenance

Step 7

Deployment and monitoring

We deploy your Elixir application keeping long-term reliability and stability in mind. Post-deployment, we proactively monitor metrics like response times, system load, and error rates, to maintain the high standards expected from Elixir applications.

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Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We've got answers!

What is Elixir, and why is it suitable for modern web applications?

Elixir is a functional, concurrent programming language built on the Erlang VM. It excels in building flexible, fault-tolerant systems, making it ideal for modern web applications that require features, such as chat apps or live updates. Its ability to handle high concurrency with low latency offers smooth user experiences, even under heavy loads. Elixir's clean syntax and robust ecosystem further enhance its suitability for development projects.

What are some common industries that benefit from Elixir development?

Elixir is particularly popular in industries that require dynamic processing and high concurrency, such as telecommunications, finance, and gaming. Additionally, Elixir's reliability and fault tolerance are valuable in healthcare, logistics, and IoT, where system stability and uptime are critical.

Can Elixir be used for both web and mobile applications?

Yes, Elixir is versatile enough to support both web and mobile application development. For web applications, it pairs well with frameworks like Phoenix. For mobile applications, Elixir can be used in the backend to handle data processing, API development, and real-time features, complementing front-end technologies. This flexibility allows businesses to create cohesive ecosystems across web and mobile platforms.

What makes Elixir a cost-effective choice for development?

Elixir's efficient use of resources and its ability to handle concurrent tasks make it a cost-effective choice. Businesses can save on infrastructure costs as Elixir applications can do more with less hardware. Additionally, Elixir's tools and libraries streamline development processes, reducing time-to-market and development costs. This combination of efficiency and speed provides excellent value, particularly for startups and growing businesses.

What is the Phoenix framework, and how does it enhance Elixir development?

The Phoenix framework is a powerful tool for building web applications with Elixir. It offers features like real-time communication, thanks to Phoenix Channels, and a robust routing system. Phoenix helps developers quickly build scalable, maintainable applications. It integrates seamlessly with Elixir, allowing for efficient data handling and fault tolerance.

How does Elixir's fault tolerance impact application uptime?

Elixir's fault tolerance ensures that applications remain operational even when some processes fail. This is achieved through the use of supervisors that monitor and restart failed processes automatically. For businesses, this means less downtime and a more resilient system, which is crucial for maintaining customer trust and satisfaction. Elixir's robust error-handling capabilities contribute to a stable and reliable application environment.

Can Elixir operate with existing systems and technologies?

Yes, Elixir is highly interoperable and can work seamlessly with various technologies and systems. This flexibility makes it an excellent choice for businesses looking to modernize their tech stack or add new capabilities to existing systems without a complete overhaul.

What are the long-term benefits of choosing Elixir for my project?

Choosing Elixir for your project offers several long-term benefits, including lower maintenance costs due to its robust codebase. Its concurrency model ensures that your application can scale as your business grows, and its fault-tolerant nature reduces downtime and maintenance overhead.

Can Elixir be integrated with cloud services and infrastructure?

Absolutely. Elixir integrates seamlessly with various cloud services and infrastructure providers, offering flexibility in deployment and scaling. Whether you're using a specific cloud platform or a hybrid setup, Elixir's compatibility and the availability of cloud-ready tools and libraries make it easy to leverage cloud resources. This means your application can scale dynamically and leverage cloud-native features like auto-scaling, monitoring, and more.

How does Elixir’s efficiency translate into better ROI for businesses?

Lower infrastructure costs, less downtime, higher service availability, and better customer satisfaction, these are a few primary Elixir-related benefits that combine to provide a better return on investment. Businesses can scale their operations and serve more customers without a proportional increase in costs.

Awards showcasing our best-in-class software expertise

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